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Jan 11, 2019, 10:00am - 16:00pm

Geological Society Lecture Theatre

Burlington House, Picadilly, London, W1J 0BG, UK



The vast majority of supernovae explode in distant galaxies where resolving details of their structure, circumstellar environments and chemistry is challenging. In contrast, there are a number of nearby supernova remnants whose complex properties can be well understood from detailed, spatially resolved observations. By understanding the evolution of supernovae from their outburst to their nebular phase to that of supernova remnants, we can use the high quality observations of supernova remnants in our local environment to better understand the physics of supernovae. This specialist meeting will bring together experts in supernovae at all stages of their evolution to discuss issues ranging from dust formation, morphologies and progenitor systems to circumstellar environments and jets.

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This RAS specialist discussion event will be held at Burlington House, London on 11 January 2019.


Admission is free for RAS members. For those who are not members of the RAS, admission is £15 (£5 for students) and can be paid on the door. 

Please note that attendees will be required to abide by the code of conduct.

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Talks will take place in the Geological Society Lecture Theatre, Burlington House.

Coffee will be served from 15.30 - 16.00 and the monthly A&G meeting will commence at 16.00 for those wishing to attend.

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This RAS specialist discussion meeting is being organised by Antonia Bevan (UCL),  Ilse De Looze (UCL), Roger Wesson (UCL), Justyn Maund (Sheffield) and Mikako Matsuura (Cardiff)

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